When you are selling your home, it is often important to obtain a new paint job for the building. The right paint colors will help to raise your home’s value by a significant amount. By carefully selecting the appropriate paint colors, you can often provide many benefits for your property and ensure the highest amount of money can be obtained. It can also be beneficial to obtain a professional paint job to further improve the value of your building.
Exterior Colors
The exterior of your home will have a huge impact on the first impression that the building will make on a potential buyer. In general, you should limit the exterior colors to no more than 3. When you have more than 3 colors on the outside of the building, it will be extremely distracting to people. Most experts recommend following the 60-30-10 rule. This rule essentially states that one paint color should make up 60% of the home and covers the body. Another color for the garage doors and trim should make up 30% of the exterior. The final 10% is the paint that covers the front of the home and shutters of the home. This last 10% can be used to add color to the appearance of the building without overwhelming it.
Rooms to Prioritize to Increase Home Value
It can be difficult to paint the entire building before you intend to sell it. However, this can’t necessarily be a viable option. When you are limited regarding the new paint job for your property, you should focus on specific rooms to help increase home value. The ideal room to prioritize is the kitchen. For example, if you intend to make upgrades to the home, you should start with the kitchen. This will provide the biggest increase in value for your home. Bathrooms, foyers, and entryways are other important rooms to prioritize when you want to implement new paint colors to raise your home’s value.
The Right Paint
It can be beneficial to pay careful attention to the ideal paint to meet all of your needs and increase the value of your home. A high-quality paint may be more expensive at first, but it will ultimately improve the value of your home by a more substantial amount. It is also important to pay attention to the sheen that you implement in each room. The different sheens will impact the overall appearance of the room in addition to many other factors, such as how easy the wall is to clean.
Shades of Blue
Many rooms can benefit substantially by adding a shade of blue paint to the room. There are many reasons that blue is a popular color. For one thing, it comes in a wide array of shades to ensure that there are many options to meet your specific needs. For another thing, blue is generally a calming color that can provide many emotional benefits for the different rooms.
Colors to Avoid
While many colors can be extremely beneficial, there are other colors that may be necessary to avoid. For example, though blues are incredibly popular, you should avoid painting the living room of your home blue. You should generally stick to more neutral colors for the living room. You should also avoid painting bathrooms white or dining rooms red. When you avoid these colors, you can help to minimize issues with the value of your home.
The kitchen is an extremely beneficial room to focus on painting when you intend to sell your home. Blues can be implemented to help improve the value of your building. For example, a soft gray blue or a light blue can go a long way toward improving the appearance and value of the kitchen.
Change the Feel of Any Room
The paint job of various rooms in your property will impact the environment inside of the room. For one thing, you can implement the appropriate paint colors to ensure that the room appears larger or smaller, which can help to create a far more comfortable environment. You should also consider the room you are going to paint prior to making a decision regarding the color of the room.
Stick to Warm and Neutral Interior Colors
Everyone has different preferences regarding the colors that they like. For this reason, you want your building to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. Warm and neutral colors are often the best colors to implement to the interior of your building. This is because these colors tend to match most other colors, which can avoid the new owners having to repaint the room or provide new furniture. While white is often considered a neutral color, you may still want to consider avoiding bright white shades. These can come across as too severe or stark.
Living Room
While blues are often ideal colors for a home, it is important to note that you should generally avoid the use of blue in the living room. The better colors for the living room include the use of neutral shades, such as grays, beige, and light brown. These colors can provide a pristine appearance that will match most of the existing furniture that the new homeowner has. This can go a long way toward making the building more appealing to potential buyers.
Neutral colors can also be particularly beneficial for the bedrooms of your home. However, unlike living rooms, you can also implement shades of blue to the bedroom. These shades are particularly calming, which can go a long way toward creating the ideal atmosphere inside the bedroom.
A new paint job can have a substantial impact on the overall value of your building. This is why painting the home is important prior to selling it. This can optimize your profits and ensure the best possible outcome. At Wilson’s Painting and Floor Coverings, we have professional paint services that can help to substantially increase the value of your building. To learn more about the best paint colors to increase home value, contact us at Wilson’s Paint and Floor Coverings today!