Living with allergies is never easy. This becomes further compounded when allergens are constantly present inside of your home. Effective cleaning goes a long way toward reducing the overall level of allergens in a building, but there are further methods that can assist with reducing allergens. It is vital to implement the appropriate fixtures to minimize the likelihood of allergens becoming trapped in your home and circulating throughout the air. The flooring of your building has a significant impact on the allergen levels within the structure. For example, carpeting, when not cared for properly, can capture allergens. When these surfaces are trod on, they release the allergens back into the air of the building. This results in a significant escalation of allergens within the building. Changing out your flooring is an effective method for reducing the allergens that are present in your home.
How do Allergies Work?
Allergies are based primarily in the response of the immune system. When you have an allergy to something and you encounter it, your immune system identifies it as an invader. This results in an overreaction of the immune system in which it produces certain antibodies. These antibodies are called Immunoglobulin E. They then travel to cells that will ultimately release chemicals that cause the allergic reaction.
Common symptoms of allergies include sneezing, a runny nose, itchiness in the nose, throat, eyes, ears, or mouth, and stuffiness. More serious allergies may include other symptoms as well. Commonly experiencing these symptoms is likely an indication that you have allergies and are being consistently exposed to the offending allergens. It is incredibly uncomfortable and can even be devastating to be constantly exposed to allergens that cause these symptoms to occur.
Most Common Allergens in Home
There are multiple allergens that occur incredibly commonly in homes. Understanding what allergens are in your home can help you identify what precisely you are allergic to. Pollen is a common culprit of allergic reactions. It can enter the home through open windows or doors. It may also be tracked into the home. Pollen may also enter the air of a home due to the presence of indoor plants. Dust is another incredibly common allergen within a building. Dust is essentially made up of a mixture of components. The allergen present in dust is often a result of particles left by dust mites. These mites thrive in warm and humid places. They can commonly be found in carpeting, bedding, and upholstered furniture.

Many people are allergic to pets. Though most people believe their allergic reactions are caused due to the presence of fur, this isn’t the case. Pet allergens more commonly consist of saliva, dander from dead skin cells, and urine. This means that the presence of allergens may still be an issue from pets that don’t shed, such as poodles. Mold is another common instigator of allergic reactions. Humid areas are perfect breeding grounds for mold, so it grows most frequently in basements and bathrooms.
Methods for Reducing Allergens
There are multiple methods that can be implemented for reducing allergens. Implementing these methods can create a more comfortable and healthy environment. Thorough cleaning is one of the most important components of allergen reduction. It is vital to get rid of dust within your home. Ensure that you use a damp cloth or cloth type that is treated specifically for dusting. This will ensure that the cleaning implement catches the dust, rather than just spreading it through the air of your home. Wash all of your pillowcases, sheets, and blankets at least once a week. You may also want to consider using an allergen-proof cover for mattresses and pillows. Washing pets on a weekly basis and designating pet-free zones can go a long way toward reducing allergens within your building. Taking the steps to prevent pest infestations can also help to reduce allergens.
Preventing the growth of mold is another important way to reduce allergens in your building. You may wish to consider implementing a new paint job for the vulnerable rooms of the building, such as bathrooms or basements. Implementing a mold-resistant paint can go a long way toward eliminating the growth of mold. There are multiple steps that can be taken to minimize the likelihood of pollen infiltrating into your home’s air. Keeping windows and doors shut, especially overnight, can minimize pollen intrusion. It can also be helpful to clean entryways and place mats at these locations to prevent pollen from being tracked into the building. Air purifiers can similarly help in reducing allergens. HEPA, high-efficiency particulate air, filters are especially useful as they can trap small particles that pollute your air. Another way to reduce allergens is by eliminating clutter within your building.
Change your Flooring Type
Certain fixtures of your home trap allergens more frequently than other fixtures. For example, curtains trap these particles, which can allow them to circulate through the air. Implementing blinds or shades can reduce the likelihood of allergens becoming trapped. The same thing applies to carpeting. It is important to take care of any carpeting present in your building to prevent it from housing allergens. It should be vacuumed once or twice a week. Consider purchasing a vacuum that is equipped with an HEPA filter to provide the most thorough cleaning for your carpeted areas. Replace any carpeting that is infested with mold. You may want to consider choosing an alternative flooring type if you experience significant amounts of allergies. Engineered hardwood, vinyl, and tile flooring are all less likely to hold in allergens than carpeting.
Here at Wilson’s Paint and Floor Coverings, we provide a multitude of services that are designed to ensure that you obtain the superior level of comfort within your home. We are able to implement new flooring solutions, as well as provide painting services for your home. These services can help to eliminate the allergens that are present within your building. To learn more about the services that we offer, contact our experts at Wilson’s Paint and Floor Coverings today!